Video wall and video surveillance

What is VideoWall?
Video wall is a large surface consisting of several screens that are tiled together to form a coherent screen. These monitors or TFT / LCD screens usually have a thin margin that minimizes the distance between the active display areas.
Why Video Wall:
The advantage of using a video wall instead of a large screen is that you can show a lot of information to the audience on a very large scale. Video wall can display custom content on separate sections and therefore can create separate layouts.
Video wall application:
Projects such as showrooms, board rooms, public screens, university halls, lecture rooms, conference centers, traffic control centers, police surveillance centers, facility surveillance rooms, security surveillance rooms, control and surveillance centers Industrial or even mission-critical control rooms need more. Information and a screen alone is not enough.
Hover Company is ready to carry out a video wall project as well as video surveillance of large and professional CCTV cameras.
Network CCTV:
These days, CCTV is one of the security and surveillance requirements of any collection.
With the advancement of technology in this field, useful and functional capabilities have been added to the cameras for better management and performance.
for example : Set the motion sensor that the camera intelligently senses in the marked areas and only records movements and can be connected to your smartphone as an alarm notification.
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